YOGA / International yoga day

YOGA / International yoga day

A brief Introduction
Looking from a global perspective, Yog no more remains confined to the caves and burroughs where Rishis and Munis (saints and sages) of yore practiced, oblivious of the world. Crossing the boundaries and narrow lanes or rural villages, it is fast becoming part of the stressful modern life style of the city people. People have realized today that Yog is not something to be practiced by saints and sages in deep recesses of the caves rather it  is a science which alone can mitigate the sufferings of the people. Yog has spread as an easy and successful therapy in the treatment of lifestyle like diabetes, hypertension, cancer, depression and other such incurable diseases.

Yog has become an indispensable thing of today’s times and hence this word is enjoying much popularity worldwide.


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