Why Weight Watchers Need Honey
Why Weight Watchers Need Honey

- The warm water routine
Most women already know that drinking honey in warm water with lemon in the morning is extremely beneficial as an effective anti-cellulite treatment. Not only does this help in weight management* but also flushes out the toxins making the skin more radiant.
- The sugar substitute
Sugar or sucrose is made of two molecules that need to be broken down by the body's own enzymes before we can use the sugar's energy. Honey, on the other hand, is already broken down to the simplest form by the bees' enzymes. This prevents extra fat from accumulating in the body, which is why one should substitute sugar with honey.
- Prevention of obesity
Our daily sugar is a refined sweetener which loses a lot of the good properties (like organic acids and proteins) of the sugarcane it is derived from during its refining process. Such sugar draws upon the body's nutrients to metabolize the cholesterol and fatty acids. The depletion of these nutrients in the body then
- The sugar-free substitute
Most diabetics tend to switch to ‘sugar-free' sweeteners. However, most such artificial sweeteners come with their own set of side-effects. Some of these can even increase the craving for sugar which defeats the purpose anyway. That is why it is better to switch to a natural sweetener like honey, although diabetics must consume it in restricted portions and with the advice of the doctor only. So, what are you waiting for? Give Honey Diet a try and wait for the compliments to pour in!
leads to higher fatty acid accumulation on the organs and tissues. Honey, however,
is very natural with minimal heating and is enriched with more nutrients like vitamins
and anti-oxidants. It also contains several amino acids and minerals that are important
for the body's metabolism.
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