THE HEART BOOSTER ARJUNA / Terminalia arjuna
Arjuna is a “Herbal Hero for your Heart”. Supported by thousands of years of traditional use, primarily for cardiovascular health. Arjuna subscribes to the “Doctrine of Signatures” which states that herbs resembling various parts of the body can be used by herbalists to treat ailments of those body parts.
Hindi : Arjuna, Sanskrit : Kakubha, Partha, Svetavaha,
Marathi : Arjuna, Sadada,
Urdu : Arjun, Assamese : Arjun, Bengali : Arjuna, Gujrati : Sadad, Arjuna, Sajada, Kannada : Matti, Bilimatti, Neermatti, Mathichakke, Kudare Kivimase, Malayalam : Nirmasuthu, Vellamaruthi, Kellemasuthu, Mattimora, Torematti, Oriya : Arjuna, Punjabi : Arjon, Tamil : Marudam, Telugu : Maddi.

The Arjuna plant (lat. Terminalia arjuna) has traditionally been used to
treat heart disease for centuries, which is why it got the nickname
“Guardian of the heart.”
The hero of the famous epic “Mahabharata”, was named after this tree because of its protective effects.
Arjuna is a cardiac tonic. It strengthens heart, useful in angina and high blood pressure.
The bark is rich in high in Coenzyme Q10, which reduces BP. Arjuna decreases LDL levels, and is also an excellent anti oxidant. ( Study on anti oxidant and hypocholesterolaemic activity). Hence, useful in high cholesterol.
Much research has been done into this powerful herb in relation to the heart, and scientists are finding that there is truth in these ancient claims. Today, many cardiologists are even incorporating Arjuna into their protocols.
Terminalia Arjuna is quite beneficial to improve the functions of left ventricle of the heart. It provides strength to the heart muscles and improves the heart’s capacity to pump the blood. It has cardio-protective actions, which helps to preserve the optimum functions of the heart and speeds up the recovery process for cardiac injury. It is most commonly used for prevention from Myocardial Infarction (Heart attack) because it has anti-atherogenic property, which helps to decrease plaque buildup in the coronary arteries and improves the blood flow to the heart tissue.
In Ayurveda, Arjuna is commonly suggested for heart disease’s prevention in people suffering from diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
Improves High Blood Pressure
Arjuna herb is one of the best home remedies for hypertension or high blood. High blood pressure is an hugely serious medical condition that can cause a heart failure, stroke, coronary heart disease(CHD), heart attack, kidney failure and other serious health problems. The most common symptoms of high blood pressure include severe headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion, vision changes and nose bleeds. So include Arjuna herb regularly to cure hypertension or high blood pressure naturally.
Hemorrhages & Bleeding Disorders
Astringents substances in Arjuna Bark have anti-hemorrhagic property, which may be because it may causes vasoconstriction that helps to reduce bleeding and treat hemorrhages. It is commonly used in Ayurveda for bleeding disorders along with other herbs.
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: Boil half tsp of Arjuna bark powder in one liter water. Cool. Drink it after every 2 hours.
Medicines with Arjuna ingredient :
Arjunarishta : A cardiac tonic, useful in the treatment of chest injury, weakness, feeling tired all the time, chronic respiratory diseases, cough, throat related diseases.
Prabhakar Vati : Used in cardiac disorders
Ayaskriti : A fermented preparation, used in anaemia, skin diseases etc.
Pushyanuga Churna : Used in menorrhagia, diarrhoea etc

The deep red colouring of the inner bark of the Terminalia Arjuna tree signifies the blood, and for many centuries traditional herbalists have used the bark as a circulation tonic for heart and blood pressure problems. Its root system also reflects the branching veins, arteries and capillaries of the circulatory system.
Gut Health
Arjuna benefits the delicate gut system by helping to strengthen and maintain the integrity of gastric mucosa (the lining of the stomach). This is important as it defends against acid attacks which can lead to heartburn, and explains why many traditional communities use Arjuna bark as an antacid and digestive tonic.
This versatile herb also has strong antibacterial qualities, making it particularly effective against helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori), a well known bacteria that can live in the digestive tract and cause ulcers, gastritis and other stomach infections.
Liver and Kidney Health
The powerful antioxidants found in Arjuna also work to improve liver
and kidney function, helping these organs to flush toxins out of the
body whilst encouraging bile production (in the liver). It protects the
liver and kidneys by increasing antioxidative activities and is
especially indicated in the treatment of liver cirrhosis.
Urinary disorders: Take equal quantities of Arjuna bark, Neem, Indian gooseberry, turmericq and Blue lotus. Grind them all together to form a powder. Take 20 gm. of this powder and boil in 400 gm. water till water is reduced to 100 ml. Mix honey in this decoction and give this to the patient twice a day. It cures all types of urinary disorders.
Botanical Name : Terminalia arjuna
Arjuna is a “Herbal Hero for your Heart”. Supported by thousands of years of traditional use, primarily for cardiovascular health. Arjuna subscribes to the “Doctrine of Signatures” which states that herbs resembling various parts of the body can be used by herbalists to treat ailments of those body parts.
Family : Combretaceae
Pentaptera arjuna Roxb. ex DC.Regional Name
English : Arjun, Arjuna myrobalan,Hindi : Arjuna, Sanskrit : Kakubha, Partha, Svetavaha,
Marathi : Arjuna, Sadada,
Urdu : Arjun, Assamese : Arjun, Bengali : Arjuna, Gujrati : Sadad, Arjuna, Sajada, Kannada : Matti, Bilimatti, Neermatti, Mathichakke, Kudare Kivimase, Malayalam : Nirmasuthu, Vellamaruthi, Kellemasuthu, Mattimora, Torematti, Oriya : Arjuna, Punjabi : Arjon, Tamil : Marudam, Telugu : Maddi.
Part Used :
Globally the species is found to be distributed in India and Sri Lanka. Within India it is found in the Sub-Himalayan tracts, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and peninsular India. Arjuna is a large deciduous tree, commonly planted as avenue tree along road sides. Bark available in pieces, flat, curved, recurved, channelled to half quilled, 0.2-1.5 cm thick, market samples up to 10 cm in length and up to 7 cm in width, outer surface somewhat smooth and grey, inner surface somewhat fibrous and pinkish, transversely cut smoothened bark shows pinkish surface, fracture, short in inner and laminated in outer part; taste, bitter and astringent.Phytoconstituents
Main chemical constitutes are Tannins (25%), Triterpenoid glycosides (arjunetosides I, II, III, IV, arjunine and arjunetein.), Saponins (arjunic acid, arjunolic acid, arjungenin and arjunic acid), Flavonoids (arjunone, arjunolone, leteilin), gallic acid, ellagic acid and Phytosterols.AMAZING BENEFITS OF THE ARJUNA PLANT (TERMINALIA ARJUNA) :
The hero of the famous epic “Mahabharata”, was named after this tree because of its protective effects.
ARJUNA / Terminalia arjuna for heart, cholesterol and cardiovascular health :
Arjuna is a cardiac tonic. It strengthens heart, useful in angina and high blood pressure.
The bark is rich in high in Coenzyme Q10, which reduces BP. Arjuna decreases LDL levels, and is also an excellent anti oxidant. ( Study on anti oxidant and hypocholesterolaemic activity). Hence, useful in high cholesterol.
Much research has been done into this powerful herb in relation to the heart, and scientists are finding that there is truth in these ancient claims. Today, many cardiologists are even incorporating Arjuna into their protocols.
Terminalia Arjuna is quite beneficial to improve the functions of left ventricle of the heart. It provides strength to the heart muscles and improves the heart’s capacity to pump the blood. It has cardio-protective actions, which helps to preserve the optimum functions of the heart and speeds up the recovery process for cardiac injury. It is most commonly used for prevention from Myocardial Infarction (Heart attack) because it has anti-atherogenic property, which helps to decrease plaque buildup in the coronary arteries and improves the blood flow to the heart tissue.
In Ayurveda, Arjuna is commonly suggested for heart disease’s prevention in people suffering from diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
Improves High Blood Pressure
Arjuna herb is one of the best home remedies for hypertension or high blood. High blood pressure is an hugely serious medical condition that can cause a heart failure, stroke, coronary heart disease(CHD), heart attack, kidney failure and other serious health problems. The most common symptoms of high blood pressure include severe headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion, vision changes and nose bleeds. So include Arjuna herb regularly to cure hypertension or high blood pressure naturally.
Hemorrhages & Bleeding Disorders
Astringents substances in Arjuna Bark have anti-hemorrhagic property, which may be because it may causes vasoconstriction that helps to reduce bleeding and treat hemorrhages. It is commonly used in Ayurveda for bleeding disorders along with other herbs.
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: Boil half tsp of Arjuna bark powder in one liter water. Cool. Drink it after every 2 hours.
Medicines with Arjuna ingredient :
Arjunarishta : A cardiac tonic, useful in the treatment of chest injury, weakness, feeling tired all the time, chronic respiratory diseases, cough, throat related diseases.
Prabhakar Vati : Used in cardiac disorders
Ayaskriti : A fermented preparation, used in anaemia, skin diseases etc.
Pushyanuga Churna : Used in menorrhagia, diarrhoea etc

The deep red colouring of the inner bark of the Terminalia Arjuna tree signifies the blood, and for many centuries traditional herbalists have used the bark as a circulation tonic for heart and blood pressure problems. Its root system also reflects the branching veins, arteries and capillaries of the circulatory system.
Gut Health
Arjuna benefits the delicate gut system by helping to strengthen and maintain the integrity of gastric mucosa (the lining of the stomach). This is important as it defends against acid attacks which can lead to heartburn, and explains why many traditional communities use Arjuna bark as an antacid and digestive tonic.
This versatile herb also has strong antibacterial qualities, making it particularly effective against helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori), a well known bacteria that can live in the digestive tract and cause ulcers, gastritis and other stomach infections.
Liver and Kidney Health
Urinary disorders: Take equal quantities of Arjuna bark, Neem, Indian gooseberry, turmericq and Blue lotus. Grind them all together to form a powder. Take 20 gm. of this powder and boil in 400 gm. water till water is reduced to 100 ml. Mix honey in this decoction and give this to the patient twice a day. It cures all types of urinary disorders.
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