Respiratory booster and amazing benefits of GINGER / Zingiber officinale


Botanical Name : Zingiber officinale

Family : Zingiberaceae.


Zingiber officinale var. cholmondeleyi F.M.Bailey, Zingiber officinale f. macrorhizonum (Makino) M.Hiroe, Zingiber officinale var. macrorhizonum Makino, Zingiber officinale f. rubens (Makino) M.Hiroe, Zingiber officinale var. rubens Makino, Zingiber officinale var. rubrum Theilade.

Regional Name

English : Ginger, Hindi : Adarakha, Adrak, Sanskrit : Katubhadra, Srngavera, Urdu : Adrak, Bengali : Ada, Gujrati : Adu, Kannada : Alla, Hasishunti, Malayalam : Inchi, Marathi : Ardrak, Ale, Punjabi : Adi, Adrak, Tamil : Injee, Allam, lakottai, Inji, Telugu : Allamu, Allam.

Part Used

Fresh Rhizome.


Ginger/Adrak is known to have originated and widely cultivated in India. This spice and medicine is recognized for use in major parts of the world especially Europe, Jamaica, Fiji, Indonesia and Australia. Ginger is a creeping perennial rhizomatous herb which can grow to a height of about 0.6-1.8 m tall, leaves are 15-30cm long, Rhizome, laterally compressed bearing short, flattish, ovate, oblique, branches on upper side each having at its apex a depressed scar, pieces about 5-15 cm long, 1.5-6.5 cm wide (usually 3-4 cm) and 1-1.5 cm thick, externally buff coloured showing longitudinal striations and occasional loose fibres, fracture short, smooth, transverse surface exhibiting narrow cortex (about one-third of radius), a well-marked endodermis and a wide stele showing numerous scattered fibro-vascular bundles and yellow secreting cells, odour agreeable and aromatic, taste, agreeable and pungent.


Adrak contains Volatile Oils containing Cineole zingiberol, and sesquiterpene like zingiberene, bisobolene and sesqui phellandrene, gingerosol in the oleo-resin. It also contains Essential oil, pungent constituents (gingerol and shogaol) and starch.

AMAZING BENEFITS OF GINGER / Zingiber officinale


Ginger is a great herb for cold, cough and congestion.If you are frequent to allergies and running nose then ginger is best. You must have heard your grandmother or mom advising to drink ‘kadha’ when you fall sick or suffer from cold and cough. It is basically a homemade drink prepared with lots of herbs that helps in providing relief to your sore throat, running nose, body and head pain. 
Now -a- days the changing weather along with increasing dust and pollution takes a toll on our health, especially if someone is prone to dust allergies or suffer from constant throat pain. If you are someone like this then including ginger in your daily food intake can provide relief to your sore throat instantly. You can prepare an easy syrup by squeezing some juice out of ginger and then mixing it with honey, you can add black pepper for added benefits. This can be consumed once or twice in a day depending on the intensity of your pain.
Treat Cold, flu and common infections :
Ginger is single of the oldest therapy for cold, flu and common infections as it contains anti-viral as well as anti-bacterial properties. It heals cold while offering immediate relief. Regular consumption of Ginger juice ensures these microbial attacks are lowered down in future. It is one of the popularly known benefits of drinking Ginger juice.
Deal With Asthma:
Studies show that Ginger juice helps in clearing up the air passages by reducing inflammation in the tract. It also helps in reducing the chance of allergic reactions and also prevent infections from microbes. One can experience better breathing with regular usage of Ginger juice, especially in cold weathers.

  • Anti-Ageing:

Ginger juice is one of the most effective anti-ageing drinks. It is a powerful anti-oxidants called Gingerols, which can repair cell damage caused due to oxidation. By preventing Collagen damage and stimulating new cell growth, Ginger juice can reduce the formation of wrinkles, dark spots, fine lines and other signs of ageing.

  •  Improves Immunity:

Ginger juice not only wards off infection-causing bacteria and virus, but also prevents them from attacking the body in future. It strengthens the immune system and shields the body from being prone to infections.

  • Regulates Digestion

Ginger juice addresses a number of digestive related issues. It accelerates the food flow in the stomach to the small intestines to boost better digestion. With regular consumption of Ginger, one can free from bloating, acidity and constipation. It also detoxifies the body by flushing out all the toxins from the stomach.

  • Good for Your Heart:

Ginger is good for your heart such that it reduces cholesterol and lowers your risk of having any sort of blood clots. Most importantly, it regulates blood sugar levels. Ginger can in future become an integral medicine for treating diabetes and heart diseases. So, a little bit of ginger added to your everyday diet can work the trick of keeping your heart healthy.

  • Brain Fitness:

It involves some compounds which have verified protective effects for the brain. Single of them, recognized as 6-Shogaol, reserved the release plus appearance of redness-causing chemicals identified to source harm to neurons in together in vitro plus in vivo models. The added, 10-gingerol, when supply from fresh ginger, likewise impacted the manufacture of nitric oxide plus other chemicals which direct to redness as well as swelling in the brain.

  •  Minimization of the pain :

Ginger benefits in reducing all types of body pains including toothache. The anti-inflammatory properties of Ginger reduced inflammation in the blood vessels and promote better blood flow to the organs. This leads to minimize pain in the body and help you stay away from painkillers. You can do it by mixing Ginger juice in olive oil and apply on the aching joints. Also, consume Ginger juice internally to reduce pain.

  •  Anti-inflammatory

Single of the most effective uses of ginger is that it proceeds as an anti-inflammatory instrument which helps to decrease joint inflammation. Studies show that people who use ginger juice experience less pain and inflammation. It also assists in boosting good blood flow in the body.

  •  Relieve Menstruation Pain:

Ginger juice is considered to be one of the best home remedies to reduce menstrual cramps. Ginger is shown to reduce the production of prostaglandins, which are chemicals produced by the body that trigger contractions in the uterus. A glass of warm ginger juice can also work wonders by soothing the body of soreness during this time.

  •  Boosts Sexual Drive:

Ginger juice has been in use since times immemorial for increased libido. Ginger helps in clearing up the blood vessels which supply blood to the genitals, thereby stimulating the nerves in that area. One can experience an increased sexual drive with regular consumption of ginger juice.

  • Fights Nausea:

Ginger juice is loaded with agents called gingerols and shogaols that reduce inflammation in the digestive system. It offers instant relief from disorders like gas, bloating, constipation, thereby reducing the intensity of nausea. One can experience a soothing sensation in the stomach after drinking Ginger juice.

  •  Fights Acne:

Ginger juice is an anti-inflammatory agent that can reduce acne breakouts on the skin. It also reduces the growth of microbes in the skin cells and flushes out the debris. With regular use of adrak juice, one can witness a visible difference with reduced pimples and redness on the skin. You will notice smooth and flawless skin in a few weeks

  • Promotes Hair Growth:

Ginger juice when massaged directly on the scalp can stimulate good blood flow to the hair follicles. It can also strengthen the strands and nourish them from within. One can notice shiny long tresses within a few weeks after using this remedy. Also, it is recommended to mix ginger juice with carrier oils like Coconut or olive for better results.

  • Treat Dandruff:

One can ensure an itch-free scalp with Ginger juice. This is an excellent home remedy for dandruff due to its antiseptic properties. Ginger juice drives yeast infections that cause itchy flakes on the scalp. With regular usage of adrak juice, one can be free from this pesky problem forever. It is recommended to mix Ginger juice with lemon and yoghurt for better benefits.

Dry Ginger Powder (Saunth)

This dried form of ginger roots introduces balance in body to increase life power and immunity system. It contains protein, nitrogen, amino acids, starch, glucose, sucrose, fructose, fragrance oil, oleoresin, jinjeevirin, raffinees, calcium, Vitamin B and C.


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