Health benefits Of herb SHARPUNKHA / Tephrosia purpurea


Botanical Name : Tephrosia purpurea

Family : Leguminosae

Regional Names :

English :  Wild indigo,
Hindi : Sarpanka, Sarpankha, Sarphankha, Sarphonka, Sanskrit : Banah, Banapunkhah, Ishupunkhika, Kandapunkha, Urdu : Sarabhuka, Sarphoka, Sarphooka, Tamil : Kolingi, Kattukkolincai, Kannada : Koliniji, Egyali, Phanike, , Malayalam : Kattamari, Katamiri, Telugu : Bonta vempali, Bontavempali, Thellavempali, Vempali, Marathi : Sharapunkha, Udhadi,

Part Used

Whole Plant.


It is globally distributed in the Pantropics. Within India, it is said to be found throughout an altitude upto 1850 m. in the Himalayas. It is also sometimes cultivated. Sharpunkha is a perennial erect herb, 30-60 cm in height. Stem is woody, 0.5-1.5 cm thick, cylindrical, slightly angular near the apex, outer surface is green and glabrous. Leaves are impairipinnate, 5-15 cm long. Leaflets: 9-21, glabrous above and obscurely silky beneath, narrow, oblanceolate. Flowers are about 7 mm long, borne in leaf-opposed racemes, blue or purple. Pods: linear, slightly curved, glabrescent. Seeds: 5-10, smooth, greenish-grey.


Beta-Sitosterol, lupeol, retin, delphinidin chloride, cyaniding chloride, pongamol, solonchocarpin, lanceolatins A and B, karangin, kangone, 5,7-dimethoxy-8, flavanone, 2-methoxy-3-9-dihydroxycoumestone, flevichapparins B and C, methyl karanjic acid and purpurin.

Medicinal Uses

  • Roots are useful in inflammations, skin diseases, scrofula, elephantiasis, dyspepsia, stomachalgia, flatulence, diarrhea, rheumatism, haemorrhoea, chronic fever, boils pimples, haemorrhoids, anaemia, strangury, hepatosplenomegaly, verminosis, odontalgia and gingivitis.
  •  Leaves are useful in dyspesia, pectrol diseases, syphilis, gonorrhoea and bruises. 
  • Seeds are useful in skin diseases and rat poisoning. Seeds are used against worm infection in children. It is used in the treatment of leprosy, ulcers, asthma, bronchitis and tumors aa well as diseases of the liver, spleen, heart, blood and urinary disorders. 
  • Sharpunkha (Tephrosia purpurea) Herb used in the treatment of liver cirrhosis and splenomegaly.
The farming of SHARPUNKHA is done having huge demand in the world.


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