How To Manage Weight Naturally: 7 Diet Tips For Weight Management

Manage your Weight with Honey
One of the biggest problems about dieting is that it is seldom sustainable in the
long run. That is why renowned dietician and nutritionist Pooja Makhija lists some
simple tips to include in your daily routine which help to eat and drink right so
that you can manage weight the correct way.
- Eat within the first hour of waking up.
- Eat four main balanced meals a day and take small, light snacks every 2 hours in between the meals.
- Exercise after a small light snack and eat main meals after the workout.
- Hydrate yourself well with at least 1 glass of water every hour.
- Keep your daily oil consumption to 10% of your total calorie intake, which comes to about 3-4tsp a day.
- Avoid refined sugar in beverages like tea, coffee, lassi and fresh lime juice as this is an addition of empty calories every day. Stay away from artificial sweeteners too. Instead, switch to a natural sweetener like honey, which is enriched with several nutrients like vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants.
- Avoid juices, smoothies and milkshakes. Eat the fruit itself instead. Always remember, healthy eating is a lifestyle, not a "diet". Imbibe it to stay fit*, always.
Note: All oils are 100% fat, having the same calories. Even olive oil.
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