How to Select and Store Aloe Vera for the Best Quality?

How to Select and Store Aloe Vera for the Best Quality?

Consult the label on your aloe vera product to learn about the best storage method. Generally, it’s best to store aloe vera gel and aloe vera juice in a cool, not-too-humid environment, such as at room temperature or in the refrigerator. Humidity and temperature can affect the shelf-life of the product. That’s why you’ll likely find aloe vera juice in amber-colored bottles. The dark bottle is designed to keep light from affecting the active ingredients.

Aloe vera is considered a supplement, and supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. That means there’s no way to know for sure whether the safety or potency claims on the product are valid. And there are loads of products that claim to be rich in aloe vera, but many of them contain no or hardly any active ingredients. 

There is one thing to look for, however, when buying your product: the seal from the International Aloe Science Council, which is an organization that’s been active since the 1980s. Seeing the seal on a product means the product’s aloe vera quality and purity has been tested and confirmed.


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