Do you know health benefits of DARUHARIDRA/+Berberis aristata

Botanical Name : Berberis aristata

Family : Berberidaceae


Berberis bussmul K. Koch ex Miq., Berberis coccinea K. Koch, Berberis coerulescens G. Nicholson, Berberis elegans K. Koch, Berberis gracillima K. Koch ex Miq., Berberis umbellata Lindl.

Regional Name

English : Indian Berberry, Hindi : Daruhaldi, Darhald,
Marathi : Daruhalad,Sanskrit : Katamkateri, Darvi, Urdu : Darhald, Punjabi : Sumalu, Bengali : Daruharidra, Gujrati : Daruharidra, Daruhuladur, Kannada : Maradarishana, Maradarishina, Daruhaladi, Malayalam : Maramannal, Maramanjal,  Oriya : Daruharidra, Daruhalidi, Tamil : Gangeti, Varatiu manjal, Telugu : Manupasupu

Part Used

Root & stem extract, Fruit, Dried Stem, Bark, Root.


Berberis aristata an erect, spinous, deciduous shrub, usually 1.8-3.6 m in height found in Himalayan ranges at an elevation of 1000-3000 m, and in the Nilgiri hills in South India, Nepal, Bhutan. It is also naturally found in the wet zone of Sri Lanka.


Alkaloids contains berberine, quaternary ammonium salt of isoquinoline alkaloid. The fruit contains 0.64 per cent tannins and 0.37 per cent pectin. Its vitamin C content is only 4.60 mg per 100 ml of juice.


The fruits of the species are eaten by people living in areas where the plant is found, often as a dessert. They are juicy and contain plenty of sugars and other useful nutrients that supplement their diet. The roots can also be used for making an alcoholic drink. 

The plant as a whole is a good source of dye and tannin which is used for dyeing clothes and for tanning leather.

Medicinal uses

Chemical structure of berberine, an alkaloid found in B. aristata

In India, B. aristata is used in traditional herbal medicine. Its stem, roots, and fruits are used.
A preparation called rasaunt is prepared by boiling the bark of the root and of the lower part of the stem in water. The solution is then strained and evaporated until a semi-solid mass, rasaunt, is obtained. It is mixed with either butter and alum, or with opium and lime-juice.
The root bark contains the bitter alkaloid berberine, which has been studied for its potential pharmacological properties.


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