Know about Calotropis gigantea/ ARKA / RUI

Calotropis gigantea/ ARKA / RUI

Botanical Name : Calotropis gigantea

Family : Apocynaceae / Asclepiadaceae.


Asclepias gigantea L., Calotropis gigantea (L.) R. Br. ex Schult., Madorius  giganteus (L.) Kuntze, Periploca cochinchinensis Lour., Streptocaulon  cochinchinense (Lour.) G. Don.

Regional Names : 

English :  Madar, Crown flower, Giant Milkweed crown, Hindi : Madara, Akavan, Safed Aak, Safed Arka, Safedak,
Marathi : Rui / Akamadar aka, Akanak, Akanda, Akda, Akdachajhada, Akra, Dhavi rui, Lalakava, Lalmadar,
Sanskrit: Aditya, Aharmani, Aharpati, Alarka, Arka, Arkah, Urdu : Gul madar, Gule akh taza, Madar (aak), Punjabi : Ak, Telugu : Jilledu, Mandaram, Mandaramu, Arkamu, Bengali : Aakand, Gujarati : Akad, Akado, Tamil : Pellerukku, Erukku, Kannada : Aarka, Aekka, Aekka maale, Aekki gida, Akarai, Ake, Arka, Malayalam : Belerica, Belericu, Bukam, Eri, Ericu, Erikka.

Calotropis is found in most part of world with warm climate, dry, alkaline and sandy soil. It is commonly available in two varieties that is Calotropis procera (purple-flowered) and Calotropis gigantea (white-flowered).

Parts Used :

Root Bark.


Arka is probably native to Indian Subcontinent, globally distributed from Africa to Indo -Malesia. Within India, it is found growing up to an altitude of 900 m. throughout including the Andamans. It occurs in open habitats. Arka is a perennial shrub growing up to 2.5 meter high with various branches and sub branches. Leaves are simple, opposite, subsessile, ovate and cordate at base. It has bunch of waxy flowers that are white or pink in colour. Flowers consist of pointed five petals and a small beautiful crown, which holds the stamen.


It has milky stem and contains cardiac glycosides, fatty acid and calcium oxalate. It contains Laurane, Saccharose, β-amyrin; a & B calotropeols, holarrhetine, Cyanidin-3-rhamnoglucoside, Taraxsterol isovalerate, Giganteol, Calotroposide, Calactin, Calotoxin, Calotropins DI & DII, Gigantin.

For the medicinal purpose white flowered variety is preferred.

  • The latex or milky discharge of the plant has abortifacient (causing abortion), spasmogenic and carminative, anti-dysentric, anti-syphilitic, anti-rheumatic, antifungal, diaphoretic properties and used in the treatment of leprosy, bronchial asthma and skin diseases. 
  • The root bark powder is traditionally used for getting relief in diarrhea and dysentery. The root of the plant are carminative and useful in indigestion.
  • The other common names are Swallow wort, Sodom’s milkweed, Giant milkweed, Alarka, Erukku and Aak.
  • Although various parts of Aak plant are used for medicinal purpose, both externally as well as internally but it should be kept in mind that this is a toxic plant. It must not be used during pregnancy. It is also toxic for the eyes. Its few drops can produces sudden dimness of vision with photophobia.
  • Skin blemishes
    Mix latex of the plant with haldi (3 gm) and apply on the affected facial areas.
  • Piles
    Apply latex topically on piles.
  • Wounds
    Apply warmed leaves on wounds.
  • Pain in tooth due to cavity
    Rub latex on the affected tooth.
  • Foot blisters
    Apply latex of Madar plant.
  • Rheumatism, painful joints, mumps
    Tie lukewarm leaves on the affected joints.


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