Management of urinary problems

management of urinary problems

 Neeri by virtue of multi-mechanism from synergistic actions fulfills all the objectives for corrective and preventive management of urinary problems from small itching or burning sensation in urination to the chaotic or turbid urine with occult blood with painful conditions. Neeri is also helpful to the elderly males having dribbling or uncomfortable or painful condition during micturition; thereby Neeri tends “Resolves & Dissolves Urinary Problems”.
Unique Salient Features of Neeri
  • Relieves symptoms of UTI within few minutes
  • Soothes Urinary Tract and regulates Urinary pH
  • A natural Lithotriptic acting Multi-dimensionally
  • Helps prevent Recurrence in UTI & Urinary Stones
  • Acts as Nephroprotective
  • Reduces complications in Prostatic Enlargement


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