Boosting immunity system in Females
Boosting immunity system in Females
In today's life we deal with various stresses; emotional, physical, work related and environmental causing various lifestyle diseases, hampering our immune system. Today’s women either have dual responsibility of being domestic engineer and the bread earner or are running all the errands there by getting exposed to germs of every form. Thus following lifestyle changes are highly recommended to boost your immunity.

Some of the best ways to boost immunity for women are as follows:
- Limit alcohol, it suppresses the functioning of immunity when consumed in excess.
- Avoid processed, microwaved and canned foods as they are very difficult to digest due to preservatives.
- Use more turmeric, black pepper, cumin, and coriander as they boost functioning of immune system.
- Sip on hot water or fresh ginger tea throughout the day to boost the digestion.
- Eat lots of salads and leafy vegetables to get your vitamin A,C and B6, folic acid, iron etc
- Sleep well no matter what. 7 hours at least
- Eat food on fixed timings every day and fixed intervals. Give yourself priority.
- 30-40 minutes of physical activity, may be simple walking is a must along with spending 20 min in sunlight for the daily dose of vitamin D.
- Hygiene should not ignored be, washing hands to vaginal cleaning. It’s basic and must.
- Ayurvedic supplements that support strong immune function can also be included in daily diet.
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