Best Ways To Protect Your Child During Cold and Flu Season

Best Ways To Protect Your Child During Cold and Flu Season

Baby safety
Having kids around the house is a source of constant delight, isn’t it? The little darlings can keep you endlessly entertained with their fun and antics. However, during the flu season, these little ones can give you cause for concern too, as you start to worry about their health and wellbeing.
Don’t be stressed! In this article, we give you some valuable pointers to keep your infants safe and protected during the flu season.

Best ways to protect your baby during the flu season:

1. Maintain good hygiene

As we know, kids seem to revel in getting as dirty as possible! The biggest step to good health is to ensure you wash your child’s hands with soap and water. Your little one is exposed to germs daily at home while playing or even at the playschool. Teach them and practice to wash their hands thoroughly after returning home, before and after meals, and after using the bathroom. Keep an eye on them to see that they are washing properly and not skipping off after just a quick water rinse!
Baby washing hands

2. Make sure they get adequate sleep

Another huge necessity for your toddler to be fit during the flu season is proper sleep patterns. As a parent, you surely know that good sleep is important for immune function. Children require between 9 and 14 hours of sleep a day depending on their age. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of falling sick. Fix up a bedtime routine for your kiddo and make sure they are nicely tucked in each night as you read them their favourite bedtime story!

3. Keep them hydrated

Proper hydration is also important during this time. Staying hydrated can help the body fight infections, so make sure your child gets plenty of fluids. If you use a water filter or purifier at home, ensure that it is cleaned regularly. Also, you need to make sure that you wash and clean feeding bottles and nipples at regular intervals to avoid building of germs.
Toddler sleeping

4. Sharing may not always be a good idea

We always teach our kids that sharing is good. However, it is also important to teach them that there are certain situations where sharing may not be a good idea. There are many commonly shared items that can be breeding grounds for germs. Teach your child to never share straws, spoons, cups, or anything that comes in direct contact with their mouth and face.
It is a good idea to remove play items that involve any oral contact, such as whistles and inflatable toys that need to be blown up using the mouth.

5. Follow your baby’s vaccination schedule

Make sure that your little ones is up to date with all their vaccination shots. Immunizations are very important for all kids, especially new born babies, infants and toddlers as they are more prone to getting diseases. There are flu vaccines that can protect your child from common infections. Schedule regular visits to your child’s pediatrician and follow their recommendations in getting all the vaccines covered for your kid, on time.
Baby feeding

6. Boost their immunity

Another vital way to protect your child from the flu is to strengthen their immune system. The immune system acts as their defense mechanism to respond to infections or illnesses. The stronger the immune system, the better they are able to fight off the flu.
This is why it is very important to feed your baby breast milk at least for the first six months, post which you can start giving milk supplements or instant formula milk with water. Once the baby becomes a year old or so, it is vital to start feeding them semi-liquid food such as instant cereals, blended fruits and vegetables, etc. These food items are full of nutrients and vitamins that are essential to keep your little ones safe and strong. Moreover, instant cereals also come in various flavours including apple, plain wheat, carrot and others to make your life simpler in feeding them.
House cleaning for baby

7. House cleanliness for healthy living

A clean household causes fewer illnesses, so make sure your home is cleaned regularly and the floor is mopped daily with a good disinfectant. Since kids mostly play on the floor and have a tendency to pick up any food particle that may have fallen or touch any insect that may be lying, it is very important that you sweep the floor thoroughly to get rid of such hazards.
Also, pay special attention to kitchens and bathrooms. With frequent cooking activities happening in the kitchen and repeated bathroom visits during the day, ensure to tidy up the space so that there is very little to no room for cockroaches and other insects to start coming in.

The takeaway

A healthy diet plan, plenty of fluid intake, clean surroundings and following the tips above can help keep your little ones safe and reduce their chances of falling sick during the cold and flu season.


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