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Dabur Amla Juice

Dabur Amla Juice
100% Ayurvedic Pure, Natural and Safe Amla Juice for multiple health benefits.
is one of the most widely acclaimed medicinal herbs and revered for its
beneficial effects in Ayurveda. Ayurveda, considers Amla as a Rasayana,
or a herb with potent antioxidant properties. It is good for liver
health and aids in improving liver and digestive functions, countering
inflammation and protecting against effects of free radicals. Scientific
studies have exhibited It also helps in lowering cholesterol.
Multiple Health Benefits of Dabur Amla Juice
- Helps Boost Immunity: Amla also known as Indian Gooseberry is a rich in Vitamin c, Which helps boost immunity. Dabur Amla Juice helps protect from common day to day afflictions. It contains healing properties that boost the healthy functioning of cells, tissues, organs, and systems.
- Anti-bacterial and Anti-viral: antibacterial and anti-viral qualities found in Dabur Amla juice helps in regulating steady blood flow. According to Ayurveda it works to balance all three dosha’s Kapha, Pitta and Vatta.
- Glowing Skin And Hair: Amla Juice has been consumed for years as a herbal way to keeping hairs & skin healthy . Dabur Amla Juice has nutrients that are beneficial for hair health and help keeping your hair healthy.
How to use:
- 10-20 ml Good For Health: Dabur Amla juice comes in a 1 litre bottle. Mix 10- 20 ml of Dabur Amla Juice in a cup of water (room temperature) and consume it. Some people take Amla Juice on an empty stomach in the morning
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