Do you know about amazing health benefits of Achyranthes Aspera/ APAMARGA

Achyranthes Aspera/ APAMARGA

Botanical Name : Achyranthes aspera

Family : Amaranthaceae


Achyranthes acuminata E.Mey. ex Cooke & Wright, Achyranthes aspera var. australis (R.Br.) Domin, Achyranthes aspera var. canescens (R.Br.) Drake, Achyranthes asperoides Pires de Lima, Centrostachys aspera (L.) Standl., Centrostachys indica (L.) Standl., Centrostachys grandifolia (Moq.) Standl., Stachyarpagophora aspera (L.) M.Gomez.

Regional Name

English : Prickly Chaff Flower, Hindi : Chirchita, Latjira,
Marathi : Aghada, Sanskrit : Mayura, Mayuraka, Pratyakpuspa, Kharamanjar, Sikhari, Apamarga, Urdu : Chirchita, Punjabi : Puthakanda, Bengali : Apamg, Gujrati : Aghedo, Assamese :- Apang, Kannada : Uttarani, Malayalam : Katalati, Tamil : Nayuruvi, Telugu : Uttarenu.

Parts Used :

Whole plant


This species is globally distributed in the Pantropics. Within India, it is common weed found on roadsides and waste places throughout up to an altitude of 2100 m. and in the Andaman Islands.

 Apamarga is a stiff, yellowish-brown, erect, branched, cylindrical, hairy, solid, swelled nodes, perennial herb, 30-90 cm high. Leaves are simple, subsessile, exstipulate, opposite, decussate, wavy margin, obovate, slightly acuminate and pubescent due to the presence of thick coat of long simple hairs.

Flowers are arranged in inflorescence of long spikes, greenish-white, numerous, sessile, bracteate with two bracteoles, one spine lipped, bisexual, actinomorphic, hypogynous; perianth segments , free, membranous, contorted or quincuncial, stamens , opposite, the perianth lobes, connate forming a membranous tube-like structure, alternating with truncate and fimbriate staminodes, filament short; anther, two celled, dorsifixed; gynoecium bicarpellary, syncarpous; ovary superior, unilocular with single ovule style, single; stigma, capitate.

Fruit is an indehiscent dry utricle enclosed within persistent, perianth and bracteoles, Seed are sub-cylindric, truncate at the apex, round at the base, endospermic, brown colour.


Saponins are the main chemical constituents of Apamarga. It contains  triterpenoid  saponins, oleanolic acid achyranthine, betaine, pentatriaontane, pentatriacontanone,  hexatriacontane Hentriacontane, Ecdysterone  and tritriacontane.

Medicinal Uses

  •  Achyranthes Aspera/ APAMARGA is used to treat excessive hunger, piles, ulcers, haemorrhoids, boils, skin eruptions, kidney stone and colic. 
  • It is also used in wounds, Ascites, difficult labour, accidental wounds, eye disease, ear disease, meno-metrorrhagia, obesity, abdominal pain, jaundice.
  • It is almost used in coughs, asthma, pneumonia, rheumatism.

Dabur Shwaasamrit

Ayurvedic Medicine for Asthma & Bronchitis: Dabur Shwaasamrit

Breathe easy with Dabur Shawaasamrit. Dabur's Shwaasamrit is one of the top Ayurvedic medicines for asthma & bronchitis packed with the goodness of powerful herbal ingredients & Medicinal plants which help combat multiple problems related to the respiratory system as recommended by ayurveda in India.

 Its potent formulation  eliminates the cause  from the grassroots level and helps build immunity against diseases like breathlessness, chronic cough, cold, bronchitis and allergies.

Why Dabur Shwaasamrit?

  • Increases airflow to lungs
  • Works as an expectorant to help reduce cough 
  • Strengthens the respiratory system 
  • Reduce breathlessness
  • Helps treat asthma & bronchitis 


  • 1-2 teaspoonfuls twice daily or as directed by the Physician


  • 100 ml & 400 ml
Ayurvedic/Medicinal Herbs :
Achyranthes Aspera , Elettaria Cardamomum , Clerodendron Serratum & Piper Longum herbs can be used to treat Cough.

Justicia Adhatoda , Badi Elaichi & Glycyrrhiza Glabra herbs can be used to treat Bronchitis.
Cinnamomum Tamala herb can be used to treat Cold.


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