BABUL/Acacia nilotica the amazing health benefits
BABUL /Babula tree, Indian gum arabic tree :
Hindi :Babula, Babura, Kikar,
Sanskrit : Bavari,Kinkirata,
Marathi : Babhul, Babhula,
Punjabi :Kikkar, Assamese : Babala, Bengali : Babla, Gujrati : Baval, Kaloabaval, Kannada : Sharmeeruka, Kari Jail, Kari gobli, Pulai Jali, Kashmiri : Sak, Malayalam : Velutha Karuvelan, Oriya : Babula, Babala, Tamil : Karuvelan, Karuvel, Telugu : Nallatumma, Thumma.

The tree has thin, straight, light, grey spines in axillary pairs, 5 to 7.5 cm (3 in) long in young trees.
The leaves are bipinnate, with 3–6 pairs of pinnulae and 10–30 pairs of leaflets each, tomentose, rachis with a gland at the bottom of the last pair of pinnulae.
Flowers in globulous heads 1.2–1.5 cm in diameter of a bright golden-yellow colour, set up either axillary or whorly on peduncles 2–3 cm long located at the end of the branches.
Pods are strongly constricted, hairy, white-grey, thick and softly tomentose.
The gum resin of the plant contains galactose, aldobiouronic acid and arabinobioses. It also contains about 52% of calcium and 20% of magnesium. The flowers contain flavonoids- kaempferol-3-glucoside, isoquercitrin and leucocyanidin.
Botanical Name : Acacia nilotica
Family : Leguminosae
Synonyms :
Acacia arabica (Lam.) Willd, Acacia vera Willd, Mimosa arabica Lam, Mimosa nilotica L, Mimosa nilotica Thunb, Mimosa scorpioides L.Regional Names :
English : Babula tree, Indian gum arabic tree,Hindi :Babula, Babura, Kikar,
Sanskrit : Bavari,Kinkirata,
Marathi : Babhul, Babhula,
Punjabi :Kikkar, Assamese : Babala, Bengali : Babla, Gujrati : Baval, Kaloabaval, Kannada : Sharmeeruka, Kari Jail, Kari gobli, Pulai Jali, Kashmiri : Sak, Malayalam : Velutha Karuvelan, Oriya : Babula, Babala, Tamil : Karuvelan, Karuvel, Telugu : Nallatumma, Thumma.
Part Used
Stem Bark, Leaves, Seeds, Gum.
The plant is a perennial tree native to Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan .It is also cultivated in Angola, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Tanzania. It is a small tree growing to a height of up to 8-10 m., commonly found in dry forest areasparticularly in Punjab, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Southern states of India.The tree has thin, straight, light, grey spines in axillary pairs, 5 to 7.5 cm (3 in) long in young trees.
The leaves are bipinnate, with 3–6 pairs of pinnulae and 10–30 pairs of leaflets each, tomentose, rachis with a gland at the bottom of the last pair of pinnulae.
Flowers in globulous heads 1.2–1.5 cm in diameter of a bright golden-yellow colour, set up either axillary or whorly on peduncles 2–3 cm long located at the end of the branches.
Pods are strongly constricted, hairy, white-grey, thick and softly tomentose.
Tannins (25-60%), gum & mucilage (20-30%), resins .The bark and pods contains 12-20% of tannin.The gum resin of the plant contains galactose, aldobiouronic acid and arabinobioses. It also contains about 52% of calcium and 20% of magnesium. The flowers contain flavonoids- kaempferol-3-glucoside, isoquercitrin and leucocyanidin.
Medicinal Uses
- Babul is used for gargling in the diseases of mouth ulcer and bleeding gums.
- Wound injury , diarrhea and to treat intestinal worms.
- To treat excessive bleeding during menstruation.
- To treat bleeding piles and haemorrhoids,rectal prolapsed, spermatorrhoea / Dhat syndrome or nightfall.
- Oozing eczemas, control bleeding, cough, cold with sputum and heaviness, burning sensation in eyes, relieves pain.
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